Comics/cartoons = form…

Comics Research Hub: London College of Communication/University of the Arts London.

Davies, P. F. (2019). Comics as communication: A functional approach. Springer Nature.

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Matrix Philosophy…

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Personal well-being…

Cole, E. R. (2009). Intersectionality and research in psychology. American Psychologist, 64(2), 170-180. DOI: 10.1037/a0014564.

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Normative discontent in body dissatisfaction…

Cash, T. F. (Ed.). (2012). Encyclopedia of body image and human appearance (Vol. 1, A-F). Elsevier.

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Violi, P. (2012). How our bodies become us: Embodiment, semiosis and intersubjectivity. Journal of Cognitive Semiotics, IV(1), 57-75.

Our physical body is crucial…

Cash, T. F. (2005). The influence of sociocultural factors on body image: Searching for constructs, Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, Vol 12(4), 438-442. 

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As individuals grow up…

Donizzetti, A., R. (2019). Ageism in an ageing society: The role of knowledge, anxiety about aging, and stereotypes in young people and adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(8), 1329.

Levy, B. R. (2003). Mind matters: Cognitive and physical effects of aging self-stereotypes, Journal of Gerontology, 58B(4).

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Stereotype embodiment theory…

Donizzetti, A., R. (2019). Ageism in an ageing society: The role of knowledge, anxiety about aging, and stereotypes in young people and adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(8), 1329.

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The normalised gaze…

Gendron, T. L., & Lydecker, J. (2016). The thin-youth ideal: Should we talk about aging anxiety in relation to body image? The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 82(4), 255-270.

MacLachlan, M., Mháille, G.N., Gallagher, P., Desmond, D. (2012). Embodiment and appearance (chapter 3). In N. Rumsey, & D. Harcourt (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of the Psychology of Appearance (pp. 23-35). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Schaefer, L.M, Burke, N.L., Thompson, J.K., Dedrick, R.F., Heinberg, L.J., Calogero, R.M., Bardone-Cone, A.M., Higgins, M.K., Fredrick, D.A., Kelly, M., Anderson, D.A., Schaumberg, K., Nerini, A., Stefanile, C., Dittmar, H., Clark, E., Adams, Z., Macwana, S., Klump, K.L., Vercellone, C., Paxton, S.J., Swami, V. (2015). Development and validation of the sociocultural attitudes towards appearance questionnaire-4 (SATAQ-4). American Psychological Association, 27(1), 54-67.

Appearance comparisons…

Frith, H. (2012). Appearance and Society (Chapter 2). In N. Rumsey and D. Harcourt (Eds.): The Oxford handbook of the psychology of appearance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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